Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Sod Installation Oconomowoc Lake WI 53066

Albor Group LLC
Free Estimates
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Sod Installation Oconomowoc Lake WIAlbor Group LLC

Sod is a great way to get a beautiful, lush lawn quickly and easily in Oconomowoc Lake WI area. Before you can enjoy your new lawn, it needs to be installed properly. That’s where Albor Group LLC comes in.

Albor Group LLC can help you choose the right type of sod for your Oconomowoc Lake WI climate and lawn needs, and they can install it correctly so that it will thrive. They can also help you with the preparation of your soil, watering tips so that your new lawn will be healthy and beautiful for years to come.

There are many reasons why you might want to choose Albor Group LLC for your sod installation needs. Here are just a few:

  • We have the experience and expertise: Albor Group LLC has the experience and expertise to install sod correctly in the Oconomowoc Lake WI area. We know how to prepare the soil, how to lay the sod, and how to water it properly.
  • We have the equipment: Albor Group LLC has the equipment necessary to install sod quickly and efficiently. We have trucks, tractors, and other equipment that can be used to move and lay the sod.
  • We are insured: This means that you are protected in case something goes wrong during the installation process.
  • We can help you choose the right type of sod for your climate and needs. 

When you hire Albor Group LLC, you can expect the following:

  • We will come to your property in the Oconomowoc Lake WI area and assess the site: We will look at your soil and make sure it is properly prepared for sod installation.
  • We will order the sod: We will order the right amount of sod for your project and schedule a delivery date.
  • We will install the sod: We will lay the sod correctly and water it properly.
  • We will provide you with care instructions: We will give you instructions on how to care for your new lawn so that it will thrive.

If you are looking for a sod installation in Oconomowoc Lake WI, please don’t hesitate to contact Albor Group LLC. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and to provide you with a free estimate. We are confident that you will be happy with our services. Contact us today at 414-441-8200 to learn more about how we can help you with your sod installation project.

Oconomowoc Lake is a village in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 585 at the 2020 census.

The demographics of Oconomowoc Lake are relatively homogeneous. The vast majority of the population is white (95.81%), followed by Black or African American (1.86%) and Two or more races (1.62%). The median age is 56.1 years old, and the median household income is $239,107.

Race and Ethnicity

The racial makeup of Oconomowoc Lake is:

  • White: 95.81%
  • Black or African American: 1.86%
  • Two or more races: 1.62%
  • American Indian or Alaska Native: 0.00%
  • Asian: 0.39%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.00%

The racial makeup of Wisconsin as a whole is:

  • White: 86.1%
  • Black or African American: 6.7%
  • American Indian or Alaska Native: 1.7%
  • Asian: 5.7%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.1%
  • Two or more races: 2.8%

Oconomowoc Lake is significantly whiter than Wisconsin as a whole. This is likely due to the fact that Oconomowoc Lake is a relatively affluent community, and affluent communities tend to be whiter.


The median age in Oconomowoc Lake is 56.1 years old. This is significantly older than the median age in Wisconsin, which is 38.2 years old. The older population in Oconomowoc Lake is likely due to the fact that it is a retirement community.

Household Income

The median household income in Oconomowoc Lake is $239,107. This is significantly higher than the median household income in Wisconsin, which is $75,321. The high household income in Oconomowoc Lake is likely due to the fact that it is a relatively affluent community.


The poverty rate in Oconomowoc Lake is 0.0%. This is significantly lower than the poverty rate in Wisconsin, which is 10.5%. The low poverty rate in Oconomowoc Lake is likely due to the fact that it is a relatively affluent community.


The educational attainment in Oconomowoc Lake is relatively high. According to the 2020 census, 32.18% of the population holds a high school degree, 25.68% have attained a college certificate, and 37.05% have a bachelor’s degree. These rates are all higher than the rates for Wisconsin as a whole.


The workforce in Oconomowoc Lake is primarily employed in white-collar occupations. According to the 2020 census, 30.00% of the workforce is employed in management, 25.00% is employed in professional and related occupations, and 20.00% is employed in sales and office occupations.


The demographics of Oconomowoc Lake are relatively homogeneous. The vast majority of the population is white, and the median age is 56.1 years old. The community is also relatively affluent, with a median household income of $239,107. The educational attainment in Oconomowoc Lake is also relatively high.

Oconomowoc Lake is a relatively quiet and peaceful community. It is a popular destination for retirees, and it is also home to a number of white-collar businesses.

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

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Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200