Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Landscaping Richfield WI 53076

Albor Group LLC
Free Estimates
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Landscaping Company Richfield WI Albor Group LLC

Albor Group LLC is a premier landscaping company servicing in Richfield WI. We have been in business for many years and have a proven track record of success. We are known for our high-quality work, our commitment to customer service, and our competitive prices.

Albor Group LLC offer a wide range of landscaping services in the Richfield WI area, including:

  • Residential landscaping
  • Commercial landscaping
  • Plant Installation
  • Flower Installation
  • Mulch Installation
  • Rock Installation
  • Flower Beds
  • And more!

There are many reasons why you should choose Albor Group LLC for your landscaping needs in the Richfield WI area. Here are just a few:

  • We are committed to our Landscaping projects.
  • We have a team of experienced and qualified professionals.
  • We use only the highest quality materials.
  • We offer competitive prices.
  • We are committed to customer satisfaction.

When choosing landscaping services, there are a few things you’ll need to consider:

  • Your budget: Landscaping can be expensive, so it’s important to set a budget before you start.
  • Your needs: What are your goals for your landscape? Do you want a low-maintenance lawn or a more elaborate garden?
  • Your time: How much time do you have to devote to maintaining your landscape?
  • Your location: The climate and soil conditions in your area will affect the types of plants and other elements that you can use in your landscape.
  • Your style: What kind of look do you want for your landscape? Do you want a formal or informal design?

When you work with Albor Group LLC, we will take the time to understand your needs and goals. We will then create a custom plan that is tailored to your specific project. We will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are happy with the results.

To learn more about our services we offer in the Richfield WI area or to get a free estimate, please contact Albor Group LLC today at 414-441-8200. We look forward to hearing from you!

Richfield is a city in Washington County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 11,945 at the 2020 census. The city is located in the Town of Richfield, and is part of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Statistical Area.

The demographics of Richfield are diverse. The population is mostly white (96.73%), but there is also a small Hispanic population (2.16%). The median age is 49.4 years old. The majority of residents are married (55.3%) and have children (32.2%). The median household income is $113,190.


The population of Richfield has been growing steadily in recent years. In 2000, the population was 10,602. By 2010, the population had grown to 11,300. And in 2020, the population reached 11,945.

The growth in population is due to a number of factors, including the area’s strong economy, its proximity to major cities, and its abundance of natural amenities. Richfield is located just 15 miles from Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin. The area is also home to a number of small towns and villages.

Race and Ethnicity

The racial and ethnic makeup of Richfield is diverse. The majority of residents are white (96.73%). The Hispanic population is 2.16%, followed by Asian (0.9%) and black (0.28%).

The white population is mostly of German, Polish, and Irish descent. The Hispanic population is mostly of Mexican descent. The Asian population is mostly of Asian Indian descent.


The median age in Richfield is 49.4 years old. The age distribution is as follows:

  • 0-17 years old: 22.2%
  • 18-24 years old: 10.4%
  • 25-34 years old: 14.2%
  • 35-44 years old: 16.7%
  • 45-54 years old: 17.2%
  • 55-64 years old: 11.8%
  • 65 and older: 17.0%

The population is aging, as the median age has increased by 1.7 years since 2000. This is due to a number of factors, including the retirement of the baby boomer generation.


The educational attainment of the residents of Richfield is high. The percentage of adults with a bachelor’s degree or higher is 31.3%. This is higher than the national average of 25.4%.

The public school system in Richfield is highly regarded. The district has four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. The high school has been recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School.

Income and Poverty

The median household income in Richfield is $113,190. This is higher than the national median household income of $67,521.

The poverty rate in Richfield is 2.03%. This is lower than the national poverty rate of 10.5%.


The largest industries in Richfield are professional and business services (23%), healthcare (16%), and retail trade (14%). Other major industries include education and health services, and leisure and hospitality.

The unemployment rate in Richfield is 2.4%. This is lower than the national unemployment rate of 3.6%.


The demographics of Richfield are diverse and changing. The population is growing, aging, and becoming more educated. The economy is strong, and the unemployment rate is low. The city is a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Here are some of the things that make Richfield a great place to live:

  • The small-town atmosphere
  • The beautiful scenery
  • The abundance of outdoor activities
  • The strong sense of community

If you are looking for a place to settle down and raise a family, Richfield is a great option.

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

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Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200