Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Retaining Walls North Prairie WI 53153

Albor Group LLC
Free Estimates
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Retaining Wall Contractor North Prairie WIAlbor Group LLC

Do you need a retaining wall for your property in North Prairie WI? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Albor Group LLC is a retaining wall contractor in North Prairie WI that offers expert retaining wall installation and repair services.

We have many years of experience in the retaining wall industry, and we have a team of experienced and skilled retaining wall installers. We use only the highest quality materials, and we guarantee our work.

We offer a variety of retaining wall styles. We can also custom-build a retaining wall to your specifications.

There are many reasons why you should choose Albor Group LLC for your retaining wall needs. Here are just a few:

  • We are a reputable and experienced retaining wall contractor in North Prairie WI.
  • We offer a variety of retaining wall styles and materials.
  • We can custom-build a retaining wall to your specifications.
  • We use only the highest quality materials and guarantee our work.
  • We are affordable and reliable.
  • We are committed to customer satisfaction.

We offer a wide range of retaining wall services, including:

  • Retaining wall installation
  • Retaining wall repair
  • Retaining wall replacement
  • Retaining wall design
  • Retaining wall drainage

Albor Group LLC uses only the highest quality materials in retaining wall installation and repair services. We use:

  • Block retaining walls: We use a variety of block materials, including concrete blocks, cinder blocks, and retaining wall blocks.
  • Concrete retaining walls: We use high-strength concrete that is designed to withstand the elements.

We offer a variety of retaining wall styles, including:

  • Tiered retaining walls
  • Curved retaining walls
  • Straight retaining walls
  • Gravity retaining walls
  • Cantilevered retaining walls

The cost of a retaining wall will vary depending on the size and style of the wall, the materials used, and the complexity of the job. However, we offer competitive prices, and we will always give you an estimate before we start work.

If you are looking for a retaining wall company in North Prairie WI, please don’t hesitate to contact Albor Group LLC at 414-441-8200. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and to provide you with a free estimate. We are confident that you will be happy with our services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your retaining wall installation or repair project.

North Prairie is a village in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 6,447 at the 2020 census. The village is located approximately 25 miles west of Milwaukee.


The population of North Prairie has been growing steadily in recent years. In 2010, the population was 5,296. And in 2020, it was 6,447. This growth is likely due to a number of factors, including a strong economy and a high quality of life.


The median age in North Prairie is 39.2, which is slightly lower than the median age for Wisconsin as a whole (39.7). This is likely due to the fact that North Prairie is a family-friendly community with a good school system.

Race and Ethnicity

The racial and ethnic makeup of North Prairie is as follows:

  • White: 94.8%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 3.1%
  • Two or more races: 1.8%
  • Asian: 0.3%

Household Income

The median household income in North Prairie is $124,089, which is significantly higher than the median household income for Wisconsin as a whole ($66,569). This is likely due to the fact that North Prairie is a wealthy community.


The educational attainment level in North Prairie is high. 97.4% of adults in North Prairie have a high school diploma or equivalent, and 54.9% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. This is significantly higher than the educational attainment level for Wisconsin as a whole (88.8% have a high school diploma or equivalent, and 28.5% have a bachelor’s degree or higher).


The unemployment rate in North Prairie is low. In 2020, the unemployment rate was 3.6%, which is significantly lower than the unemployment rate for Wisconsin as a whole (4.3%). This is likely due to the fact that North Prairie is a wealthy community with a strong economy.


The median home value in North Prairie is $409,700, which is significantly higher than the median home value for Wisconsin as a whole ($242,000). This is likely due to the fact that North Prairie is a wealthy community.


The crime rate in North Prairie is low. In 2020, there were only 18 crimes reported in North Prairie. This is significantly lower than the crime rate for Wisconsin as a whole (493 crimes per 100,000 residents).


The population of North Prairie is expected to continue to grow steadily in the coming years. This growth is likely due to a number of factors, including a strong economy and a high quality of life. The racial and ethnic makeup of North Prairie is expected to remain relatively unchanged. The median household income in North Prairie is expected to continue to grow, as is the educational attainment level. The unemployment rate in North Prairie is expected to remain low. The median home value in North Prairie is expected to continue to grow, as is the crime rate.


One of the biggest challenges facing North Prairie is its high cost of living. The median home value in North Prairie is significantly higher than the median home value for Wisconsin as a whole. This can make it difficult for young families and people with fixed incomes to afford to live in North Prairie. Another challenge facing North Prairie is its lack of diversity. North Prairie is a predominantly white community. This lack of diversity can make it difficult for people of color to feel welcome in North Prairie.


One of the biggest opportunities for North Prairie is its location. North Prairie is located in Waukesha County, which is one of the most prosperous counties in Wisconsin. This proximity to a major metropolitan area gives North Prairie residents access to a variety of jobs, amenities, and cultural attractions. Another opportunity for North Prairie is its strong economy. North Prairie is home to a number of businesses and industries, including manufacturing, retail, and tourism. This strong economy provides North Prairie residents with a variety of job opportunities.


North Prairie is a wealthy community with a strong economy and a high quality of life. However, North Prairie faces a number of challenges, including its high cost of living and its lack of diversity. North Prairie needs to address its challenges and capitalize on its opportunities in order to thrive in the future.

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

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Free Estimate (414) 441-8200

Free Estimate (414) 441-8200